I may be the last person on the planet to discover the awesome power of Photo Merge. It’s something I never really felt the need to explore, until the other day when I wanted to composite several images shot from the Empire State Building into a panoramic image. I planned on spending hours doing this, and wound up finishing the entire project in about 2 minutes!
Photo Merge does some amazing things, including auto-lining up of the images, auto-warping them to fit, etc. But the most amazing, and convenient, thing it does is bring in all of the images on their own layers complete with some very complex Layer Masks! This allows you to go in and tweak each layer to fine-tune the image.
The big news here is that I created this screencast with a length of UNDER 10 MINUTES!
Direct download: Quicktime M4V Format
[flv:http://www.garydatesphotos.com/screencasts/photomerge.flv 540 405]
Tags: beginner