Easy Way to Import Photos in Lightroom Classic CC

Posted on: November 15th, 2018 0

This may be the easiest way to import photos, but it isn’t the BEST way! Read the rest of this article…

This video addresses a common issue; how to handle a catalog once you have moved your photos from one device to another…..say from your internal drive to your external drive. Read the rest of this article…

This tutorial takes an in-depth look at each of the adjustments available in the Basic Panel in the Develop Module in Lightroom Classic CC. Additionally, we look at using the Range Mask feature to refine an Adjustment Brush!

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I created a tutorial about a year ago in which I combined 2 images, starting with Lightroom and then moving into Photoshop tom create the composite. I decided it was lacking, plus Adobe has made a few significant changes to Photoshop, one being the reworking of the Refine Edge feature and renaming it “Select and Mask”.

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Many people, including myself, have used one catalog to manage thousands of images. This may not be the best strategy, depending ob what your needs are.

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