Lighting and Portrait Workshop
May 25th at Marine Park in Red Bank, starting at 6:30pm
Who Is This Class For?
This workshop is aimed at those who are interested in learning about on-location portraits using both ambient light and one or more speedlights. I will show you many of the tools used in creating stunning outdoor portraits. We’ll cover the the logic behind using different lenses, how to use ambient light to its fullest advantage, how to combine ambient light and artificial light from speedlight(s) to achieve a dramatic portrait, and more. I will also show you some of the techniques I use to get the person I’m shooting to look their best.
We’ll start at 6:30 and go until about 8:30, maybe longer if I feel we need more time to cover all that I want to, as well as address whatever questions y’all may have. The cost is $50 per person. I want to keep the class small, so I’m limiting it to 6 PEOPLE**. My hope is that once I’ve demonstrated a few techniques, there will be enough time for each participant to try them out. I will have a professional model on-hand so you can get experience creating your own portrait. Here is a map with the location of Marine Park:
Please click the button below to pay for the class.
WEATHER – Because this workshop takes place outside, there’s always a chance that it will rain. If the forecast calls for rain on that day, I will postpone the workshop to another date, doing my best to make sure all who have signed up can be available.
*I require 48 hour notice of cancellation. If you cancel within 48 hours and I cannot fill your slot, you will not receive a refund.
**Because there are expenses associated with this workshop, I need a minimum of FOUR people in order for it to run. If that minimum is not met by the DAY BEFOR THE WORKSHOP, I will be forced to cancel it!