DSLR Mini-class
Daytime by Popular Demand!
Take Your Skills to the Next Level
If you’ve taken my “Meet Your DSLR” class at Thompson Park in Lincroft, this is a follow up you won’t want to miss. It’s a review of the earlier class, but we will also begin to explore ways to use the knowledge you gained from the intro class to take even better photographs.
I am holding a similar evening DSLR 2 class at Thompson Park, but I’m offering this daytime class with some significant differences:
- The class is from 10am to 12 noon
- The class size is limited to FOUR PEOPLE!
- the class takes place at various locations for on-location shoots.
This daytime class consists of 3 sessions of 2 hours each. The 3 classes will be on Monday November 14th, Wednesday, November 16th, and Monday, November 21. The cost is $99/pp. To sign up, just click the button to pay.